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a bunch of little guys

(since im linking this page 2 my cs sig now- hiiii! hi cs users who clicked it. ignore the mess!!! the uma archive is just below. this is my personal website so thats why everything is all over the place lol)

ok so. when i was like really young... i liked collecting little guys (aka player-made adoptables). i would simply just adopt a bunch of them just to have. sometimes i would stick around the community and interact with fellow adopters of that species and sometimes id dip after getting mine. i ended up collecting so many that i literally Had No Place To Put Them (as it went WAY over the signature limit for most sites lol). so i uh. accidentally left some behind.... and by 'some' i mean like 80% of em ^-^''''''
and over the years i slowly forgot about them as i moved to other sites due to growing up.....

untillllllll i was browsing through neocities and came across nekojiru, and after browsing through their website, found their links page- and found a little guy!

this set off a chain reaction of memories and trailing ideas. 'hey, thats cute! maybe i could take one of them to put on my website..' to 'but hey, didnt i already have a bunch of adopted guys back on my old accounts?' to 'OH. I CAN HOST THEM ALL HERE NOW!!!!'. leading to this page being created!

(btw, a guy adopted from the abandoned adoption site above! i have dubbed her 'Rouge' because she reminds me of rouge the bat. i love women!!!!)

so i went though all my messages and accounts to find every single little guy that i adopted. havent got everyone here, obvs, because some links have died due to age... but close enough.
hover will show their names and the original fourms will be linked.
now, let the adoptable swarm begin......

From Chickensmoothie

i honestly love grabbing cs umas because the quality varies so much. theres something so charming about getting an adopt from someone who is a newer artist...
however a downside to these adopts is that they're so volatile :( it means i keep finding adopts i would love to get and then realizing they havent updated in months and have probably been abandoned. when will celests and toebeans come back from the warrrrr they look so cuteeeeeee i want oneeeeeeeeee augh

From Dragcave

Adopt one today!Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

i wanna get back into dragcave because the spritework looks so cool... unfortunately i dont Fucking Talk Enough to get hatchlings past egg form!!! augnhhh hell of my own making.

more tba because goddamnit i want more cs umas. rattling on the bars of my cage.