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tba need to redo the pokemon emerald review. need to write the outcore review.

due to the power of ~piracy~ and ~emulators~ and uh. ~finding free shit online~, i have now started playing more actual games. and i want to talk about them :)

Super Bomberman 1-5 (SNES)

grouping these 5 altogether because they're all relatively short games and are also from the same series..
the first games i ever tried emulating! i started with sbm2 (because dastardly bombers...) and then worked my way through normally (1 to 5). honestly, i had fun!
theres not much to say about the first 4, other than like. yeah i had a good time. i like the designs of all the evil groups in all of these games, and the most memorable thing i remember from them is that i kept sucking really hard at the final/semi final bosses T-T. i cant comment on the music at all because i played all of them with the sound off (worked through them while in class at school lol).
however. SBM5. my darlingggg!!! sbm5 is easily my favorite of the series. the addition of an over world map and interconnected levels definitely boosted my enjoyment here. plus i really like terrorin.... i dont know why.... hes just my favorite.
i ended up loving sbm5 so much that i 200% IT. that entails going through and clearing every single level, twice. i did in fact use a map guide to figure out the level connections (i dont hate myself that much! thank you gamefaqs) but it was still fun to go through!!!
for other things i liked about the game, the music from what i recall is pretty good (still played a majority of the game mute, but there were a few times where i listened to the music) and i play the battle mode all the time. very very fun game.
misc thoughts:

  • bomber woof can go die (i did not have fun playing his bossfight. whyyyy is he the first boss)
  • pirate bomber and subordinate bomber are laughably easy (fighting two guys at once is a good idea but in practice they would always damage each other more than i could lol)
  • pink rooie is the best rooie gameplay wise and purple rooie is the best rooie fun wise. taking no further comments.

Bomberman Hero (in progress)

bomberman hero! of 'redial' fame...
this was actually a 'backup' game, and wasnt my first choice. i actually wanted to try out bomberman 64 first, but for some reason lemuroid had an awful time running it. like a whole bunch of things didnt load properly. including cutscenes and menus. so i gave up on that... i'll have to try 64 at a later date...
anyways. im still currently playing hero at a very slow pace, due to the fact that i apparently just kind of suck at it lol. my depth perception in this thing is HORRIBLE. i keep completely missing jumps. ive taken a few long breaks, but im back on it as of writing!!! its a cute game, i like the models and of course the music is good (despite the fact that i have to have it on mute most of the time... because im playing in public...)
i am currently on the 3rd planet! like, 2 levels in.

misc thoughts:

  • i love white in this game. the skrunkly. the blorbo.
  • i also love nitros. hes like a little bratty child (positive) to me.
  • i dont like how the controls get reversed in transformation levels... makes it infinitely harder for no reason... :(
  • funnily enough lemuroid is also having a hard time running hero. it lags at certain points, and, damning enough, i literally cant pause mid-level. if i quit and reopen, the whole game freezes. so, ive been saving on loading screens, which has worked for me so far. thankfully, this isnt enough to fully ruin the experience lol. i think lemuroid just cant run 3d games well. it completely shit itself trying to run klonoa (which i have on my bucket list... i'll get to it eventually) and pokemon white 2 (it crashed after i got my starter and refused to reopen.. you will be missed snivy)

Pokemon Emerald (in progress)

pokemon emerald is a. pokemon game. my first pokemon game. I dont know what to tell you its a pokemon game alright.
honestly cant remember much about most of my playthrough. i played through most of it during/inbetween classes as a filler thing so thats probably why. ive tried shiny hunting for full odds multiple times and i, like an insane person, kept track of my encounters through tallying them down on a physical piece of paper. havent gotten a shiny yet.
ended up dropping it just b4 victory road because i was getting burnt out and the fact that a few of my party members were a little too underleveled so repels didnt work...
i picked it up again while i was out at a grandparents house w/o wifi and. went through all of victory road in complete darkness with that stupid 1-tile radius because i was too stubborn to ruin my electrikes moveset with flash. Without A Guide. thats my most memorable moment in the entire run lol im still proud of myself for doing it.
still not finished with the game- currently grinding to get my party members high enough leveled to be onpar with the elite 4. no idea what their type specialties are so thatll be a neat surprise when i get there.
my current team:



Super Mario RPG (in progress)

i heard that smrpg was getting a remake and decided that hey. ive seen that geno guy around. i like that geno guy. i should emulate and play smrpg b4 the remake comes out. and i am now 👍. (i did not actually finish it before the remake came out and have been avoiding videos on it like the plague)
as said a sentence ago, i didnt actually finish the game yet- for some reason, ive only been motivated to play it when my internet goes out lol. which has been... two times so far. so ive only gotten as far as the mines currently. its an enjoyable experience though! because it prevents me from just googling stuff when im stuck. we go through this game how it was intended- with no help!!!!!
my most memorable moments because of this so far is when i had to bruteforce the music tadpole puzzle because i couldnt remember in what order the notes (do re me fa so etc etc) were. i had ms paint and a screenshot open like right beside the window too. was really getting into it, ha
for the game itself, i like it. i am enjoying geno a lot more than i thought i would be (me going woaaahhh holy shit geno!!!!! its him!!!! every time he appeared on screen before he joined the party hehe), i like the living embodiment of that yellow mspaint crying emoji (mallow), and i find all the dialogue charming so far. combat goes between being pretty breezy and kicking my ass for no reason. also this might be an emulator problem, but i feel like the action commands are slightly too early compared to the animations, and tbh are pretty easy to hit perfects on. oh well, not complaining about it lol
you may be asking "isnt smrpg like a really old game + well liked. dont you know how it goes?" funny story! i dont. like legit im going into this game nearly fully blind. the only thing i knew concretely about smrpg before going in was that geno was a character in it. avoiding spoilers for extremely popular media is honestly a special skill of mine.

Undertale Yellow

good game :)
ok for the actual review. i liked uty! it took me around 11 hours to beat pacifist. i had a real fun time experiencing it for the first time.
honestly, for a good chunk of the game, i just thought it was good. not in a bad way- like i could see why people liked it, it was fun to play through, but nothing jawbreakingly amazing. nothing to go crazy over. i think this changed around when i got to steamworks? something about the music clicked with me a lot. its sooo fucking good. one of my favorite tracks in the game tbh. plus, i liked axis as an antagonist (honestly not a fan of the romance at the end. but that is absolutely the aroace in me talking though lol) and ceroba as a party member. there was a sense of dramatic irony in knowing that everyone sent to alphys is an almagamate now, but still deciding to help ceroba out on an impossible quest of getting her daughter back.
...and then there was the buildup to the twist. then the TWIST. and then the fucking FINAL BOSS BATTLE. OH MY GOD.
when i say cerobas fight took me out, i mean both mentally AND physically. something in me just went fucking crazy. it clicked. SO HARD. its something about how ceroba herself fucked up her entire life. she dug herself a hole and saw no other option than to dig her pit even deeper because she couldnt reach the surface anymore. her husband specifically told her not to use her daughter as a test subject, yet she did so anyway- simply because her daughter was 'persistant' and believed enough, even though she was a child and ceroba was the responsible adult in the situation. ceroba should not have bowed down to her childs request, yet she did so anyway because she really wanted to believe it would work. she wanted to save the underground more than her childs wellbeing and life. and she paid the fucking price for it.
.......she also KICKED MY ASS. for AN HOUR. her fight was HARD AS HELL. jesus christ (i did it legit eventually. im a stubborn bitch!)
also the pacifist ending broke me auuuughhhhh bc of course clover would do thatttttt qwauaughhghhdhfhggdsnjfjg
anyways 10/10. never touching it again because i dont have the heart to replay for neutral/no mercy endings. i could not kill a fly. i would be very very sad :(

Kinitopet (in progress)

im only an hour into kinitopet so im assuming it'll just get better as i go farther in but goddamn! i cant take this game's horror seriously at all. kinito is just too goofy of a design to make genuinely scary in its base form. it instantly breaks any tension in the scene because he is a fucking ms paint drawing. he is a ball with sticks for legs.
during the bedroom darkness scene it started off with just some genuinely great tension. its a very moody image with the darkness inveloping every aspect of the room. everything is dowsed in shades of blue, only being highlighted due to the light through the window. then kinito shows his stupid face and every aspect of tension shatters because he doesnt look scary in the slightest. he looks like hes photoshopped into the image. his 'scary form' is just him with a mouth which makes him look even stupider. be fr with me.
because of this lack of scariness ive simply just been bullying him during my playthrough. when he tried to do the camera scare i simply covered it with my hand and taunted him for it. i know he's eventually going to do a 'reading the pc name' scare as a way of 'getting my real name' except that isnt even going to work because its been stuck as my dads name for years. i called him a cunt when he said the drawing i drew of him didnt look like him at all. for the 'how many thoughts would you say you've had' question i answered 'at least one'. this is a million more times entertaining to me. hes not even that subtle. he feels like a bad creepypasta. i need to start shaking him around with my mouse like you can do to shimejis.
also to be clear this is not me saying the game is bad. absolutely not. the presentation is extremely good. i love kinito when hes an actual desktop helper with his little animations and such (and instead of being overtly edgy he is instead very clingy). i did think one of the scares was good all the way through- one of the first ones: the body bag. the slow drag onto the screen. the fact that the mouse still drags along the body bag, moving more to the left. the flashing to black every so often. the complete silence interrupted by the dragging noise. the fact that it zooms out to show the whole pc as a sense of 'derealization'. even kinito is sort of scary- despite still having a goofy 'scary' design, it very much helps that only his face is visible in the darkness (as tbh it seems like his body is what breaks any sense of horror in his design).
i cant wait until this cunt starts developing a parasocial relationship with me.