Welcome to MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!

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'wow! this looks really... simplistic!' i know. i dont know how to code and im also kinda going 4 simplistic. else id go insane.
also yes yes very original star background. dont care + L + ratio.
infinitely wip until i properly learn how to code and use this stupid thing we call html and css properly. pages may be unfinished due to me flipflopping between them lol

anyways. have fun!
(also.. for if you ever want to link to my website for some reason)

(no hotlinking please!)
pin something up on the guestboard?

  you should attack me on artfight. pretty pleaseeee?  

update log
july 14 2024- finished a secret page! you can now go find it. no further updates im still on that artfight grind
june 25 2024- created + worked on a shrine. i am not telling what it is yet because i am embarrassed. fucking axolotl taking over my damn life. my god. (if you can tell which game im talking about through that comment alone then uhhh idk good job)
june 13 2024- added link to my new clangen comic to links page. hit 20k views !!!!!!!!!
june 12 2024- finished 2022 art page and it is now linked in the directory. i also added some gifs to the art directory. ado from kirby dreamland 3....
june 2 2024- happy pride month. unrelated but i put up an undertale yellow review and a wip kinitopet review. hit 19k views too.
may 29 2024- added more umas to adopt archive page. edited a hidden wip page. i think i will be able to do fuck all for the next few days because i am booked on Events that are Happening.
may 25 2024- edited adopt archive page. i finished all the frames for one of the pmvs so i'll have to start editing that together soon lol. hopefully then i can get back to website...ing.
may 19 2024- some tweaks to the landing page. made all the white bg into a very light grey so it hurt less to look at. still stuck in pmv making hell(?) rn. also i hit 17k sometime this week..
may 9 2024- hit 16k. sorry i havent been updating. all my motivation has fixtated itself elsewhere... (that elsewhere being 2(!) pmvs. genuinely got possessed by some sort of spirit bc god i have not felt such strong motivation to do a project in like. ages!!!!!)
april 29 2024- added some art to 2024 page
april 20 2024- happy weed palindrome day. hit 14k visits. its 6 minutes before midnight so i can say it happened on 4/20 :)
april 16 2024- hit 13k visits??? 2 day record, damn. also seems like federiefederi self imploded after that whole drama because their website is just gone now (and they finally unfollowed me which is why i noticed. never found out why i was the sole person they didnt unfollow.. maybe they needed 1 follower to get the math to kick in? idk). oh well.. fun while it lasted... will just have to find websites the old fashioned way now- going down a rabbit hole of peoples website link pages lol.
april 14 2024- hit 12k visits. added more people to the links page + added a webring and projects section! which are both empty lol
april 7 2024- worked on sunnys page (added more art), added some more art to gallery, worked on some unrevealed side pages.. currently eating almonds up in my room because im starving but dont want to go downstairs. almonds are not the greatest but we do what we must to survive :')
april 4 2024- hit 11k visits
april 3 2024- made and added some more dynamite headdy stamps
april 2 2024- added some art, and finally rewrote the bomberman hero review. also federifederi feature jumpscare waugh!!!! imagine im quickly shuffling around the website like i was just told people were coming over and am now hurriedly tidying my room
april 1 2024- happy april fools. im not really funny enough to think of a good site-wide prank to pull off so the banner joke is the best you're gonna get. also happy reala (from nights into dreams) day! and happy late day of trans visibility, because that was yesterday.
march 25 2024- side page about sunny is now accessible. go find it!!!!!!! i aint saying where it is :P
march 24 2024- added more interesting websites to the link page!
march 20 2024- DOUBLE DIGITS! we've hit 10k visits!!! im moving up in the world.... im so popular now........
march 13 2024- happy mar13 (marie splatoon) day. have been making a side page dedicated to sunny (site mascot). it has turned into just straight up writing/fic (? what term do you use for original stories again) of her story. i am writing directly in the neocities editor for some reason. ive nearly falled asleep in my chair 4 times now
march 11 2024- added an artwork i made in a vision-given frenzy today. edited some side pages that arent accessible yet because they're heavy wips rn...
march 2 2024- finally got the personality quiz section to scroll properly! yippee
february 26 2024- birthday stuff has been removed..
february 23 2024- trying to get the personality quizzes to go in a straight line horizontally but it is just Not Working for some strange reason. fml
february 21 2024- added a personality quiz section to the about me. also, hit 9k visits. im getting so popular ...
february 19 2024- birthdayifyed the home page because its my birthday today :) i'll keep it up for this whole week.
february 14 2024- added a buuuunch of art to the 2023 page, so im almost fully done with that page. art has been added to the 2021 page and 2024 page, and i cleaned up the art hub page. also, a secret has been added...
february 6 2024- hit 8k views.
january 25 2024- made a 2024 art page and added some art to the 2023 one.
january 24 2024- added stuff to physical art page and also added it to the art navbar (plus the photography page is there now too. i forgot to link it lol)
january 19 2024- 7k views hit ^-^ also got rid of the new years stuff.
january 7 2024- got the music player working on the naq shrine again...! its been readded now
january 5 2024- photography page updated with photos
january 1 2024- happy new years y'all. the update log (this thang) has been cleared of 2023 updates as to prevent clutter. you can find the 2023 updates here! also, i have added links to video series's and music i find interesting to the links page ^-^